Monday, June 2, 2014

Composite Solid

I used a door as a composite solid. It is a rectangular prism with a sphere attached to it. Its obviously used to enter and exit rooms.

Sunday, May 18, 2014


I thought finding trapezoids would be impossible but I found three in one place! The trapezoid that I photographed was a part of a diving board. The only use that it has is that it is used as a railing. It is a trapezoid because it has one set of parallel sides and one set of non parallel sides. The other two trapezoids in the picture are divided by the pole in the middle of the large trapezoid.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Regular Hexagons

This is a photo of honeycombs. The shape of these honeycombs is a regular hexagon. That means they are shapes with 6 congruent sides and the angles add up to 720 degrees. Each individual angle is 120 degrees. Honeycombs are where bees produce honey are are commonly found in nature. 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Non Congruent Alternate Interior Angles

This is a picture of fake decorative flowers. They have no use besides being the topic of this blog entry. 
The alternate interior angles of these flowers are not congruent. This is because the flowers are not parallel so a transversal wouldn't divide the alternate interior angles in the same angle. The angles highlighted in pink are the non congruent interior angles.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Perpendicular Lines In A Plane

This is a storage unit that has office supplies in it. The blue and orange lines are in the same plane and are perpendicular.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Skew Lines

This is a picture of my island. The colored lines are skew. They never intersect and aren't in the same plane. Islands are found in kitchens and used to eat and cook on.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Congruent Isosceles Triangles

These are two table decorations that I found in my dining room. They are virtually pointless and have no use other than being visually attractive. These two objects are in the shape isosceles triangles meaning that two legs are congruent and the base is not. In this image the legs of the triangles are congruent and the base of the triangles are shorter.